Monday, March 23, 2009

My Site

Keith's Appraisal

As I was filling out my class evaluation, I thought of Keith. (Probably for the best that "Don't Know" wasn't an alternative.)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Embedding Video

Just finished a short video project on Oedipus, and I discovered how easy it is to embed a YouTube or Vimeo movie on my blog. All you have to do is copy and paste the code in the message you are about to post. (It is a little easier to do this with Vimeo because the "embed" option is just right of the movie frame.)

I thought it might provide some incentive to have a teacher announce he was going to post the best 1 or 2 as a kind of contest. This also might be a good way for classes in different places to see each other's results in a more organized fashion than just sending YouTube links. (I know that I am going to set-up a family blog for my tech-wary mother in Charlotte to check current messages, videos and pictures.)


Oedipus from Jeffrey Lee on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tech Reflections

First Reflections on my Tech class:

1. I like the dynamic google docs feature for group work. This is a good tool to get larger groups to organize and produce collaboratively.
2. Google groups would serve as a nice forum for students sharing ideas about projects and upcoming assignments.
3. I don't see much application for the Google Maps feature.